So New Year's was great, nothing too big this year. In fact the island Boat trip we all did the day before tuckered me out a bit too much. It was an incredible day full of snorkeling, jumping off the boat, having a picnic on the beach, and of course juggling.

My quarter of a century birhday followed a week later. It was a fantastic day, starting with some excercise, followed by a few hours on the beach with the Rainbow House kids, then a beach cleaning, and of course a party with cake and beers.
Rainbow House is the orphanage I volunteered at and intend to continue my ties with. In fact I am organizing an open mic fundraiser in Seoul on Feb 3 to raise as much money as we can for the kids. They are all so amazing and have such potential. Leanne and Tommy who are running the home (Leanne also founded it) are doing such a great and modest job. Cheers to good people in the world who care enough to devote so much time, effort and love to make other people's lives better. For more info or to MAKE A DONATION, click here
After much talk, about 5 of us took some garbage bags and walked down the beach collecting all the garbage we saw. One khmer Professor immediatley joined and cotinued until every bag was full. A mother and sweet 6 year old child noticed what we were doing and jumped in without hesitation, venturing into the obvious urine entrenched parts, cleaning up the nastiest of the garbage. It was a positive response, and after 1 hour and about 200 meteres we had filled 10 garbage bags. It got me thinking of how this could possible be continued and sustainable, by paying locals to do the jobs themselves. After all we didn't get one bottle or can because the kids collect these in exchange for a small amount of money. Finally it struck me that I can utilize my khmer friend Chy and his new boat tour company to collect donations and have him monitor and assist kids in the clean-up. With this said I'm heading back to Cambodia in the end of February to start this simple, small-scale, yet highly beneficial project.
So here I am, back in Korea for a few weeks to educate some more kids and head off. I think I will spend Chinese New Year in China before heading back to Cambodia.
That should do er, Happy New Year!