Well it's a lovely prison, I must say, But I am still here. I will get to that in a minute, first an update on the genial Cooper, and lovely Hee-Young's wedding! It was two weeks ago, in the southern port city of Ulsan. The Korea Ultimate family that is, was in full form to mark this momentous occasion between two truly awesome people.
The pair has been living in Oz for the past year so it was a reunion time of sorts, with many missing but also some friendly new faces. The wedding was a traditional one, and we were lucky to have our billingual MC Yoonee explain the meaning behind each process during the ceremony.
Here, the beautiful, still legally single Hee-Young awaits for the ceremony to begin. She declines my last request for her hand in marriage.

The bride covers her face during the ceremony which she reveals during the bowing custom towards the end of the ceremony. Phew , Coop got lucky, she aint ugly!

I gotta give some props to Coop. Under pressure he perfectly executed the acorn jelly chopstick grab, not once, but twice to an eye-gazing audience of several hundred onlookers. He was rewarded with oooooooo's , awwwwww's, and applause, followed by laughter. After 2 1/2 years in Asia and some damn good chopstick abilities I doubt I could match Coop's skill. Acorn jelly is so tender and easy to cut in half if one were to apply too much pressure, yet enough pressure is required to lift the delicacy to one's mouth. It's like eating tofu with chopsticks, but one step above that.
The usual Korean wedding includes the short ceremony (be it traditional or modern) followed by a hurry-up, hello-thanks-for-coming-lunch and that does er. Of course with a plethora of foreigners in attendence we took it one step further. Of course we tried to consume as much free alcohol at lunch as we could, I mean cmon, like we wanted to pay 2000 won for soju at 7-11 after. To illustrate:

Soju Mathematics
(each bottle is $2)
3 bottles - vommiting and start losing friends
4 bottles- rolling in your own vomit, unaware that you no longer have friends
5 bottles-no more rolling, no more friends, you must be dead
After the lunch was the photo shoot,

Now the happy newlyweds are back in Oz, Good luck, can't wait to see ya again!
Here's where the reference in my title comes into play. Two days after the wedding, I was back in Seoul getting my passport ready, to go to the Chinese embassy to apply for my Chinese tourist Visa. There was only one problem, I couldn't find my passport. After digging, racking my brain, and more digging I realized that my money belt with ALL my i.d had been stolen from my friend's apartment. Upon further thought I deduced my passport was the least of my problems as my money belt contained about $1600 cash and the same in travellers cheques. Luckily I can get refunded for the travellers cheques but the cash is gone. I further became agitated when I noticed that the $1200 in cash that was raised for the Cambodian orphanage was also stolen. That was really the worst part, the money that I was accountable and responsible for was taken while in my possession.
So I must stay in Korea a bit longer dealing with passport and cash issues. I'm starting korean lessons again on March 5 to make up for what I should have learned the past few years. I'm really stoked for that. As for the orphanage money, well at the suggestion of my friends here, we are going to do another one. Hopefully bigger and better. I'm a bit worried about how the original attendees may feel, suspecting foul play or negligence on my part. I don't want these people to feel their donation was wasted. I'm still racking my brain attempting to figure out the best approach to this. However a friend and journalist may help me out in this regard, we'll see how that works out.
All things considered, I'm in great spirits, excited for the opportunites that have resulted from this misfortune. I gotta extend a huge Thank you to everyone here that is helping me out, especially Yong for allowing me to continue to sleep on his four cushions, sometimes forget to flush the toilet (drunken mishaps) and eat his jelly bellies.
Sorry, it's flip cup, not flippy cup. Please ammend, thanks.
Hi Craig... I've learned to love your blog. I'm so proud of everything that you're doing over there, and it sounds like you're having a blast doing it all - in true Craig fashion. Can't wait to see you when you get back to Winnipeg!
Got your blog address from Justin Ginn's posting. Shame about the fundraising $$$, though if you promise me as much fun as I had counting peanuts in a jar at Mike's the first time around (was it peanuts - whatever) I'll gladly do it all again. I hope your burglar gets hit by a poppa johns pizza delivery scooter.
Laura, who is the great teacher that taught you to love my blog? Thay must be really 'fly'.
Les- Peanuts it was. Maybe jelly beans this time. You get it this time, u may win the added prize of being nicknamed The Count.
anonymous - my blog. my engrish. eat it.
Interesting to know.
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