Well its actually not celebrated here but of course the foreigners like to keep up the tradition. So to celebrate Daejeon (a city 2 hrs south of Seoul by bus) hat their second annual Halloween Hat Tournament.
It was a great weekend but Im gonna be brief cuz I wanna watch some football games I have downloaded. I finally won a tournament!!!! Albeit there were only 5 teams, and one of the teams was disbanded by Sunday because too many people left on Saturday. Nevertheless my team went 6-0 and won the whole thing. The final was tight. I dropped two crucial passes to essentially give the other team a 10 -9 lead in a game to 11. Luckily I made back the drops back by catching two long passes to give help the team win the game 12-10. Jon Dart was on our team and now has an amazing 4-0 record in hat tournaments and is 12-0 in his last 12 games of frisbee. What an outstanding athlete/cheerleader Jon Dart is. He took the spirt award for the tourney...u da man Johnny.
Dray had by far the best costume as Kim Jong Il. More photos of the party can be seen here

Happy Halloween, and Congrats to Colleen Puloso (formerly Baerg) for getting hitched last weekend with Marco!