The Juggling Nomad

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Give me fuel, give me FIRE!!!

We had a party at the bar I live/work/spend all my time in last night. We managed to get maybe 50 people which is about as much as it can handle. I got really into juggling the unlit torches before sunset so I thought I would give the fire a go to hopefully draw a crowd and get the bar busier.

A crowd was drawn indeed. It consisted mainly of small Cambodian children that seemingly emerged out of the sand from every direction. I usually juggle much worse in frot of a crowd. Yet last night the audience posed no problems for my nerves. The goddam fire did.

Juggling fire is hard. I thought juggling the torches during the day would transfer quite easily to when they are lit at night. But no, they didn't. I couldn't see the handles what so ever. It was like juggling blind. I reverted back to about day 4 when I was learning how to juggle them. At most I got about 30 rotations and a few tricks and persistent effort.

Nevertheless I didn't burn myself and I'm gonna have another go tonight on this very unfestive Christmas Eve!

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
Now to put on my shades and head back to the beach....

ps I will post pics when I can, the computers suck here...


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